Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Truer words....

So today I went to my first institute class of the semester. I signed up for a Book of Mormon class, although tonight as I was driving to Institute, I realized that we would be studying the Book of Mormon in Sunday School this year. But a double dose of the Book of Mormon will be good, right?

My new teacher is pretty interesting and funny--I think its going to be a good semester. He seemed to be all over the place though, and at one point in the lesson he went off on a tangent and said this, which is probably my new favorite quote (because its so true!):

"Junior High--Its invented by Satan."

I laughed out loud, but was one of the few that did. I find this fact odd, because I assumed that my horrible junior high experiences were pretty much universal...

1 comment:

  1. I'd have to add High School in there as well. I think High School was worse for me.
