Wednesday, January 25, 2012


In my family we take M&M's seriously. It's a rarity if my mother doesn't have a stash of M&M's in the house. There is a picture of an M&M in a frame on a wall in my parents' house (I was updating their wall photos, and not being able to find pictures which included all of my family members an equal number of times, I decided it was safer to include a picture of 'Orange' than to risk offending anyone. With this choice I probably offended all of my family members, but as long as they are all equally offended, then that is fair and I can sleep well at night. Also M&M's are pretty much a part of my family anyways, plus its funny, so, don't judge me.) Also, we have an M&M shaped candy dispenser that we named Mortimer. Mortimer came out of storage off and on throughout the years, but he did end up coming to college with me. And I do have photos of me and Mortimer (he's not displayed on a wall, but maybe he should be...), who actually looks quite dapper in a tie (Ahh, college life, how I miss you).

Because M&M's are no laughing matter (except for their commercials), when my sister pulled me aside a little while ago to tell me that my December 16 post was lacking fundamental information, I thought she was joking. She told me that I had failed to classify three types of M&M's! She listed them off for me, and sure enough I had not only overlooked some, but had not even heard of one of them.

This being the first mistake I have ever made in my life (ahem. My story. My truth.), it was a bit hard to handle. But then she fed me cherry M&M's, which was my first experience of even hearing about them, and then all was well with the world again.

The three M&M's that I failed to recognize were dark chocolate, which are super yummy; pretzel, which I really like, and bonus, some of my family members don't like them, which means more for me; and cherry, which my sister introduced me to, and they are quite good.

So, here is my newly updated M&M classification (thanks Janae!)

From best to worst flavors: Peanut Butter, Coconut, Pirate Pearls (a special edition white chocolate version that came out of the Pirates movies came out) Peanut, Pretzel, Mini's, Dark Chocolate (these are good, but also you kind of have to be in the mood for them, so that's why they are in the middle) Crispy (which they sadly no longer make, Mega-size, cherry, almond, and original.

I am writing this purely for entertainment purposes and am not getting paid for my opinions. Although, in my opinion, I should get paid, so if anyone has any 'in' with the M&M/Mars candy company let me know so we can work something out. Just kidding. Kinda.

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