Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How to Be a Radio DJ

1. Pick 5 or 6 songs.

2.Play on repeat for the rest of the day, week, or what the hey, how about the next 6months? The more annoying or asinine the song, the better.

3. Pretend to have talent by telling stupid, pointless stories.

4. Have a good sign off 'tag' aka a really stupid name so your "fans" can recognize you.

5. Have an annoying voice.(which is the real reason why you are recognized.)

I'm pretty sure my I-pod would make a better DJ than the ones I hear on the radio. At least it would have better music, not replay songs twenty times a day, or play any annoying Katy Perry or Lady Gaga music.

Perhaps Mr. I-pod will be submitting an application to a radio station soon...either that or I'll be investing in a new car adapter for my I-pod.

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