Wednesday, October 19, 2011


If you think you are funny, you probably aren't. Confesssion: I think I am funny.

Putting a giant flower/bow on your infant's head tells me that your child is so ugly that you felt the need to put that gaudy monstrosity on your child to draw attention away from its face.

LOL is an acronym that is used far too often. I think that as a society we need to cut back our usage. And by this I mean everyone needs to STOP USING IT RIGHT NOW!! I die a little inside each time time I hear or read those three little letters. Nobody in their right mind has ever said to someone that they are "laughing out loud" so therefore it is not appropriate to use the acronym for this never-used phrase.

"Bless You's" are not universally applied. I have been in classrooms or in the work environment where when one individual sneezes someone responds with the customary "bless you," but ten minutes later I'll sneeze and I get no such courtesy. It happens people. I'm missing out on these blessings because for some unknown reason when I sneeze people rarely follow social graces and say something after I sneeze.

Showering is not just something you do to take care of yourself. Its really a gift for the people around you. Think about that court patrons.

"Your" and "You're" are two different words. Many people in society fail to recognize this though, so I am often confused why I get invitations saying "Your invited." My what is invited?Grammar is important.

Texting and Facebook have made people into socially ignoramuses (bonus observation: that was a fun word to use.) While I do use both, they frustrate me so I try to limit their use. I want to form real connections with people face to face, not via a screen! Although I say this, the real interactions that I do have are abysmally disappointing and sometimes frightening, and make texting and Facebook more appealing. Its a real catch-22.

Guys aren't actually like the ones portrayed in books and movies.

You can be psychic when your roommate is a flaky person and always canceling plans with you.

Bumper stickers are lame, but a good warning about people you don't want to hang out with


Argyle is probably the best design ever.

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