Monday, October 10, 2011

Befriending the Friendless

So, the Home Evening Leaders in my ward did something pretty callous. They had the girls divide up in teams and then the girls picked which boys to have on their teams. I felt so bad for the boys. I would have been mortified! The boys who were picked last were the ones you'd expect if you've ever attended the torture known as P.E.

At the activity I made a concerted effort to talk to, and be friendly to, the boy who was picked last, because that's what I would have wanted someone to do for me if I had been in his shoes. Also, I've been feeling like I have no friends and so I've been thinkng that instead of wishing for someone to talk to me, I would take the initiative and be the first to speak to people.

Turns out taking the initiative is about as fruitful at making friends as sitting around waiting for a friend. The guy was socially awkward (surprisingly, even more so than me) and the conversation was brief. This, unfortunately, is not a unique experience. I've been trying for a long time to extend myself in this ward and while everyone is nice, they are not very friendly (example: will engage in small talk with you if you speak to them directly, but will not remember you name, and sometimes even your face, or any details about yourself the next time that you see them).

I don't regret being nice and for being the first one to speak, but I'm getting sick of it. I feel like I'm the only one trying to reach out to others. No one else even seems to be making an effort, they are all too complacent and comfortable within their own circle of friends.

And if the guy who is picked last won't even give me the time of day, then what does that say about me?!!


  1. Everybody divide into two teams: popular versus unpopular!

  2. ha ha! That's the best part of that movie!
