I work for the government. I got so bored just typing that sentence that I fear for the rest of this post. I had a point when I began this post, but that first sentence has summed up my pathetic work life a little too well and I'm not sure if I should even bother to continue. (Obviously work is going really well for me right now...). Anyways, government buildings, like the one I work in, are sometimes targeted by disgruntled people, idiots, activists, and even pyschopaths (and in the case where the term "going postal" is derived, government workers themselves)....well at least that's what we've learned about in our security training seminars.
Today I was sitting at my desk diligently doing my work, when a coworker came by and told me the building was being evacuated. (Kids, the lesson to take home from this is that hard work is rewarded, sometimes instantaneously). I grabbed my purse and headed towards an exit, but the majority of my coworkers were hanging out the in the halls chatting and questioning if it was a real evacuation, a few people were leaving via the elevator (in an effort to get to their cars and leave before they were locked out of the building and potentially stranded), and others were sitting at their desks refusing to move until an "official" evacuation was called (perhaps they only considered an actual bomb going off as official?).
It was a well executed safety plan on many levels.
I headed to my department's designated emergency meeting spot and was informed that a suspicious package had been discovered near the building, hence the evacuation. I speculated that the package was a homeless man's clothes. Roll was taken by our emergency team leaders, who were looking very dapper and not at all dorky in their official orange vests, with their clipboards and walkie-talkies (they were very Dwight Schrute-esque).
Luckily it was right before lunch and after they took roll we got to go eat anywhere we wanted--provided that we could walk there, seeing as our cars were trapped in the parking structure under the building.
After lunch we still weren't allowed back in the building.
We waited....and waited...and waited....until....
There was a small explosion as the bomb squad detonated a bag of clothes (See! I am psychic).
We returned to work, but its amazing how tiring waiting around can be, especially when that waiting period stretches on for two and a half hours and has no end in sight. I was exhausted when I got back and all of my motivation and probably even my ability to work was gone. Plus it was Friday afternoon, when all of my motivation and ability to work competently is gone anyways---but I'm sure you can imagine how the forced evacuation would make these feelings multiply exponentially.
I not only survived the suspicious bag filled with clothes, but I survived the rest of the work day. I'm thinking of having t-shirts made up....
Wow-- sounds exciting to me. Did you think one of the employees left the bag outside the courthouse? Wasn't one of your co-workers trying to give you a makeover with her daughters second hand clothes?;)